First some nuts and bolts stuff. I wrote about this stuff for A Stir of Pique a few days ago so I won’t re-bore you with details. Suffice to say I had to upload a corrected version, for a third time, but now everything seems to be working in the eBook.
It’s still free on Amazon for another day so if you want a version with an actual working table of contents, go for it.
Oh yeah, the cover seems awkward. Don’t know why. I always use a 1.6 ratio for my covers but this one looks short and squat. Looks alright on my Amazon author’s page, though.
Now on to the story.
The working title was The Day the Machines Stopped. I changed it to A Stir of Pique for several reasons.
First, the machines didn’t stop on a day, or for a day, or whatever. Everything builds to a finale so the working title didn’t really fit.
Second, the working title gave away too much of the story.
Second, the working title was too rudimentary. I mean, The Day the Earth Stood Still can get away with it, but that’s a classic science fiction film. (And I’m talking about the 1951 original film, not the 2008 piece-o-shit remake.)
Anyway, the final title has more of a literary bent to it which is good because the story is really literary.
Okay, I lied. It’s not literary, but the final title is way cooler than The Day the Machines Stopped.
This is also the first of my ebooks to offer a bibliography linking to my other stuff. Yes, I’m still working on retro-fitting all my previous stories with bibliographies, and stuff. This crap takes time and there’s a lot of casinos within driving distance that Toma and I have to visit.
Also, back on May 22nd I posted on this very web site a discussion of upcoming publications. Forget all that. And I promise to never again predict a publication chronology. You simply would not believe the life events that crop up conspiring to thwart your best laid plans.
Now, all the stories I discussed back in May are still in line. I’m just no longer sure when they’ll hit the Kindle store. I won’t even tell you which story is coming next because…I don’t know. Yet.
The Magic Purse
I don’t remember where I got the idea for The Magic Purse. Every once in a while I wake up in the morning with foggy memories of screaming nightmares from the previous night. That might be where this stuff comes from.
And I do like the story finding something positive about “small magic” instead of my original version which was all gloomy and shit. And nothing good came of it. And then the universe exploded, and everyone died, even the people who hadn’t even been born, yet.
Wait for it.
No that didn’t happen in the original. I’m lying, again.
But it was gloomy to the last page and ended on a sour note. (F# I seem to remember.)
Well, that’s all I have to say on the subject(s). (That (s) thing is a nerdish indication of a possible plural.)
Now it’s back to work so I can get the next story published. (And I refuse to tell which one. In case my mood changes.)
- Chester