In December 2011 Toma and I set up 1008 Productions as a sole proprietorship, independent publishing company. A sole proprietorship has a sole proprietor (get it?) and such a company automatically dissolves upon the death of said sole proprietor. That left Toma with no legal ownership of the company but it was the least expensive method to start with. We’ll change that soon so she ends up with all the copyrights to MY original fiction when I go to that great word processor in the sky.
(This isn’t about any health concerns or anything. It just…well, there’s a lot of busses out there and one of them just might have my name on its bumper.)
Back to the plan. 1008 was supposed to act as the umbrella for all the pen names and different genres of the stories we’d publish. I’ve talked about this before. I also recently said I was dropping all those pen names and putting everything under the granddaddy of my pen names, D. C. Chester.
I’d owned the internet domain name for a long time but never set up a separate website. I also owned and some others, but I’ve let everything expire except
I’ve just finished transferring to my hosting service and I went through the steps to have point to
Now everyone, (and by everyone I mean the four people who read this blog) can use to navigate to my website. The site is still named 1008 Productions because 1008 has been with me longer than D. C. Chester. Even though it used to be The PJ 1008 Film Company. (I’ve explained the 1008 part, but I still can’t remember what the PJ part was. If I’m ever involved with making another film I might just have to re-register The PJ 1008 Film Company moniker. It just brings back so many memories.)
Here’s the problem. Typing dcchester,, or into the Google search bar takes you to a list of sites that are not me. Typing any of the above into the Google ADDRESS bar works just fine.
But the world uses the Google SEARCH BAR, and no one uses the ADDRESS BAR.
I’ve spent two days trying to correct this problem and the tech geeks I’ve talked to can’t explain why this is happening. These are the guys in control of the entire planet. Oh well, for now.
But the real reason I’m writing, today…(I can hear everyone slapping their foreheads and shouting, “Get to the point.”)
The next novella just went back to the editor for a revision “spit-polish”. I swear that’s the term she used after the first draft edit.
Fire Dust should be out as a Kindle book in the first part of April. Which is pretty disgusting. It shows how much writing time I’ve lost with my freakin’ day job. Fire Dust should have been published in January or February but some things are just out of my control. By the way, Fire Dust is a working title, so don’t hold me to it.
And what’s it about, you ask? It’s teenagers on a camping trip that goes awry. And that’s all I’m going to say about that. Wait, I’ll say one more thing. It’s a thriller so maybe we should replace ‘awry’ with something more evil.
I’ll ponder that and get back to you.
Now all I have to do is figure out an image for the left side of this page, because I haven’t decided on a Fire Dust cover, yet.
- Chester